Media! Please, do something with yourselves. I know you all have better things to do than to report or make news of Tony Romo not calling T.O. by his name.
This is the Associated Press' excerpt,
" Though Romo didn't say anything negative, the quarterback referred to Owens with nothing more personal than "he."
If I read the transcripts correctly, Romo was asked a question then proceeded to compliment Owens, by saying " he was a great player....etc". God forbid he not call him by name, when a direct question about T.O. was just asked. The media and everyone there knew who he was talking about.
Does the media not have anything better to do. I thought the media's job was to report news not make it. Of course, they knew once they brought it up to T.O. that he was going to make some obnoxious but heart felt statement.
I am disgusted and annoyed. I really am. There are players in the league doing great things. Players are going on missions, doing great things for the community, and all you have to report is Tony Romo not calling Terrell Owens by his name when clearly, Romo was asked about Owens, so it made no sense for Romo to say Terrell Owens was.....all he needed to say was "he".
Get a life or give me your jobs,
Ricky Writer
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